Quick Fix – Will cardio or weights get me toned?
You joined a gym, you went on a diet, you lost weight and you feel good but what you really want is to ‘look toned’. You want to look...
Quick Fix - How to look great in your summer clothes
If you are you off on your holidays in the next few week you have probably been watching what you eat for a while now in the hope of...
Quick Fix - How to Reduce Your Sugar Intake
So the summer holidays have set in and it makes me kind of want to do everything super quick so I can still get as much done even though...
School Holidays - Can you still fit a workout in?
We have about a week or so before most kids break up from school….so I am frantically trying to get myself organised….. Are you the same?...
Will That 'FAD DIET' Work For Me?
This week’s blog has been inspired by a question from one of my clients who asked “I’ve seen this new fad diet, do you think it works?”...